About Our
Spinning Wheel Collection

The small boards (shown leaning upright against the wheel frame)
were used for making felt items in Scandinavia.
In this country such boards were called “creek washboards.”
We also have a small collection of 18th & 19th century walking wheels in working condition, a Wight Pendulum wheel, patent 1856; a barn loom with bona fide bamboo reeds, skein winders, other antique fiber and wool working tools. Come examine and enjoy them when you visit our farm.

A particular interest is “corespinning” yarns that preserve some of the character of the wool on the sheep. We raise and demonstrate dyeing using four dye plants raised on our farm. The dates change yearly so join our mailing list to get notification of this special event.
Are you interested in using plant-based dyes for naturally dying wool? Visit our dye plant page here to see what we offer.